About us
IN 1883
The four largest economies in the world (in terms of GDP) were China, India, the United States, and Great Britain, according to RankingCharts.
IN 1890
The United States emerged as the world’s leading economy, a position it has maintained to the present day.
IN 1927
Argentina and Brazil consistently appeared on the list of the worlds 15 largest economies.
IN 1939
Germany became the second global power. However, after the Second World War, it lost this position, which was eventually taken by the Soviet Union in 1945 and later by Japan in 1978.
In 2023, the major economic powers on a global level are the United States, Russia, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Israel. The United States continues to lead due to the size of its workforce and the productivity thereof, thanks to a higher fertility rate and a more open immigration system, which are key factors for long-term economic strength. Meanwhile, Israel has emerged as one of the most resilient and technologically advanced market economies in the world. Its skilled workforce and concentration of venture capital enable the country to be a leader in innovative industries such as high technology, clean technologies, and life sciences.
This fascinating and complex process, where entire nations become wealthier or poorer, has direct repercussions on their populations, who also experience these economic cycles. However, even within these cycles and nations, there are always individuals who manage to navigate these challenges and build their wealth and financial well-being.
Grove’s purpose is to assist our clients in navigating the turbulent waters of the economy and markets to achieve their long-term financial and wealth objectives.
Our history
We are professionals with a proven and successful track record. Our reputation and financial stability enable us to guarantee the maximization of financial resources for individuals and businesses.
In our home country, Venezuela, we experienced several economic cycles and witnessed political changes, some of which resulted in success, while others ended in failure. Our professional training and education provided us with the ability to analyze and understand these political and economic processes. Our international studies and experiences have given us an expanded and comparative perspective of various international markets.
Now, from Miami, we offer our clients all that experience and accumulated knowledge.

Building a strong financial legacy and achieving financial objectives is a careful, time-bound process. Impulsively taking risks or improvising due to specific circumstances or opportunities may yield positive results at times, but they are usually short-lived. Even worse, a random process of sudden increases and decreases in financial resources may not provide any valuable lessons and can lead to significant financial losses.

Our methodology involves understanding our clients’ stage in the production cycle, their financial objectives, needs, and risk tolerance. Based on the profile we create together with our clients; we design financial products that best suit their needs to embark on and accompany them on the wonderful journey to financial success. We pay close attention to details and closely monitor market developments.